For 2023, NOAA graciously (sarcasm) gave us two days to fish for the Genuine American Red Snapper. Two days out of 365 days. Completely ridiculous. However, we ran all 5 boats two trips per day, with one exception that slipped through the cracks, where Capt. D ran a 12hr on Day #1. With that, we ran a total of 19 trips over the two days, and achieved our limit for every boat, every trip. Our largest fish was Capt. D with an 18.75lbs, Capt. Chad with a 17.4lb, and Capt. JD with a 16.7lb fish. It sounds impressive until you consider, they only allow us to keep one fish per person. Nonetheless, we had a great time fishing with our awesome clients, and sent everyone home with at least one red snapper for dinner. Thank you to all of our incredible customers who trust us to take them fishing. Here are most of our group photos. We missed some unfortunately.