On Tuesday March 28th, we threaded the only offshore weather window for the rest of the week; if the current forecast holds. Over the next 5 days, we have high winds coming from every different direction, blowing 15kts. I should have known the day was gonna be epic because my phone didn’t charge the night before, and completely died as we departed the inlet. To set the stage, I’m fully expecting king mackerel to show up way earlier than normal this year, so we jigged some live bait this morning on the way out. I wanted to spot check. We had several dozen live cigars and sardines, and as we were bottom fishing, I put them out behind the boat on a weight-free flat line. While we were bottom fishing, and working on our vermilion snapper limit, and about the time I forgot I had the flat line out back, I saw a crazy commotion of the port quarter. As I’m trying to figure out what was happening, the flatline started screaming! A medium/long fight later, I put the gaff in a mid twenties blackfin. Over the course of the next 2 hours, we land 4 blackfin and about 5 or 6 bonitos. Live bait schools were all over and blackfin tuna were flying out of the water, and all inside 20 miles. Happy Birthday to young Nicholas. Lewis and Nicole, you are some great parents for gifting this young man with a charter for his birthday, and for choosing Team Buck Rogers to fulfil that gift! What a great time, with some new friends! 904-362-0609 to book!
Team Buck Rogers Fishing Charters
Email: teambuckrogers3@gmail.com